Lowering Your Alzheimer’s Risk: Understanding the APOE4 Gene

Lowering Your Alzheimer’s Risk: Understanding the APOE4 Gene

Who is most at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease?

If Alzheimer’s runs in my family, do I have a higher risk of developing it?

These are common questions many people ask themselves, especially as they enter and live through middle-aged adulthood.

Women are disproportionately affected by Alzheimer’s disease, with close to two thirds of the millions of Americans living with Alzheimer’s being women. Women are also often the primary caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease, placing an increased physical and mental load on their relationships, careers and health.

If you’re here to learn how to lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, you’re in the right place – and the first step is understanding the APOE4 gene.

Awareness of the APOE4 gene spiked in November 2022 when actor Chris Hemsworth learned through genetic testing that he is a carrier of two of the APOE4 gene variants. After learning of his genetic risk, Hemsworth took immediate steps to prevent development of the disease.

Fortunately, there are a number of preventative steps we can all take to lower our Alzheimer’s risk, even if you carry the APOE4 gene. For women, who carry a higher risk, new research even suggests that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may prevent Alzheimer’s as well as offsetting many of the symptoms that come with being perimenopausal.

Read on to learn more.

What is the APOE4 gene?

Simply put, genetic variants can increase or decrease the risk of developing a specific disease.

Genes contain alleles (pronounced a-LEE-ull) which are variants found within genes. The ε4 allele of the Apolipoprotein E gene is called the APOE4 gene.

At the moment, studies suggest that APOE4 is one of the strongest risk factors of developing Alzheimer’s.

About 25% of people carry one copy of the APOE4 gene – and about 2 to 3% carry two copies of APOE4 – like Chris Hemsworth.

Carrying APOE4 genes may also increase the risk of earlier onset of the disease than in non-carriers.

Unfortunately the exact reasons behind why APOE4 increases Alzheimer’s risk is not clearly understood. However, recent research has found a link between Alzheimer’s and the brain’s ability to process fats (read more on this below).

It’s important to know that a genetic risk factor means having a genetic variant that increases the risk of developing a disease, but it alone does not directly cause a disease.

For example, some people who develop Alzheimer’s have no APOE4 genes, and some carriers of APOE4 genes don’t develop Alzheimer’s at all.

Think of genes as light switches. Possessing the gene does not automatically mean it will be “switched on,” and there are lifestyle changes we can make to try to keep that APOE4 genetic variant “switched off.”

APOE4 is not the same as APOE

APOE is the gene responsible for transporting cholesterol molecules to the brain through the bloodstream, including healthy fats and neuroprotective DHA (found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements).

APOE normally regulates how “sticky” a protein called amyloid becomes in the brain.

In Alzheimer’s patients, this APOE process falters, causing the amyloid to become too sticky. This causes the amyloid to form in abnormal clumps, creating a plaque on the brain which decreases brain function.

APOE4, on the other hand, tends to bring unhealthy forms of cholesterol like LDL to the brain, and is less efficient at bringing along any healthy fats.

A note on APOE4 and gender

Statistics have demonstrated that APOE4 affects men and women differently.

A female carrier of only one APOE4 gene is at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than a male carrier of two APOE4 genes – and is more likely to deteriorate more quickly.

It is absolutely critical that women are empowered with the knowledge and tailored health tools designed for our unique biology to manage and prevent our risk level from getting too high (more on this below).

Is Alzheimer’s genetic?

As you now know, there are genetic risk factors that may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

As genetic disorders or genetic risk factors are often passed down through generations, it is possible that a family history of the disease can increase your personal risk for developing the disease.

Similar to Chris Hemsworth, it’s possible to take a blood test to determine which APOE alleles you have or don’t have – but remember – this alone will not predict whether you will or will not develop Alzheimer’s. It will, however, provide you with important information on your personal risk level and offer insight into whether you may want to prioritize taking preventative steps to offset your chances of developing the disease.

Are genes the only factor in developing Alzheimer’s?

In addition to genes and family history, there are other factors that may impact your risk for developing Alzheimer’s.

Lifestyle choices, including diet, substance use, and exercise, are also key indicators of your risk for developing Alzheimer’s.

Poor sleep, damaged gut microbiomes, stress, poor diet, inflammation in the body, and low vitamin D levels are also factors that may increase risk, even for non-carriers of the APOE4 gene.

For instance, diets high in saturated fats are believed to decrease memory function, whereas the frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish oils, and omega-3 rich oils may decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease – especially in carriers of the APOE4 gene.

Take a look at these 5 healthy habits to pick up this year to stay on track!

Who is at risk of Alzheimer’s?

According to the WHO, more than 55 million people live with dementia around the world (the most common form being Alzheimer’s), and 10 million new cases are diagnosed every day.

Age is the largest determinant of Alzheimer’s development, as after the age of 65, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s doubles every five years, and about one third of all adults over the age of 85 may have Alzheimer’s disease.

When Alzheimer’s develops earlier than the age of 65, it is considered early-onset Alzheimer’s, which in very rare cases can begin as early as the age of 30.

Women are disproportionately affected by Alzheimer’s disease compared to men.

Of the 6.2 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease in America alone, nearly two thirds of them are women, making them almost twice as likely to develop the disease than men.

As women age, they experience menopause – which has been attributed to the brain changes associated with increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.

What are symptoms of Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s may present a little differently from person to person, and depending on the severity of the disease.

Here are the common signs of Alzheimer’s development to watch out for:

Mild SymptomsModerate SymptomsSevere Symptoms
Memory loss that disrupts daily life Losing track of dates and not knowing your current location Taking longer to complete daily tasks Repeating questions and forgetting recently learned informationIncreased confusion and forgetting personal history or events Withdrawal from social activities Inability to learn new things Difficulty carrying out familiar multi-step tasks like getting dressed Difficulty with language, reading, and writingInability to communicate No awareness of recent experiences or surroundings Weight loss, seizures, and physical decline Loss of bodily function control

If you’re concerned that you or a loved one are exhibiting any of the early signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor to book an appointment for testing.

Alzheimer’s prevention: It begins with awareness

Being aware of your risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s helps you to prepare for life changes and start taking steps to lower your risk.

For women, part of awareness must be learning about your body’s natural processes, including the hormonal and brain changes that come with menopause.

There are four stages of menopause.

During perimenopause, an APOE4 carrier’s ability to metabolize glucose and ketones becomes doubly impaired, which may create a “brain fog” that greatly increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

To make matters more complicated, many perimenopausal symptoms are also the same as risk factors for Alzheimer’s: disrupted sleep, poor gut microbiomes, stress, brain fog and more.

How to lower your risk

Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

From getting enough sleep, to maintaining a healthy weight and managing your blood pressure – there are preventative measures you can begin putting in place today to protect your future health.

Below we’ll look at two other considerations perimenopausal women should consider: supplementation and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Supplementation for disease prevention

Supplements can fill in important nutrient gaps and prevent deficiencies that are linked to common diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Not all supplements are considered equal however, and different brands tailor their formula to different populations and for specific health benefits or outcomes.

For example, at Revivele, we’re currently in the process of developing a comprehensive supplement system for women that contains all of the vitamins, nutrients, herbs needed to improve a woman’s well-being, brain health, mood and sleep.

Hormone replacement therapy

According to very recent studies, scientists believe that women taking HRT during perimenopause experienced greatly improved memory, cognitive function, and brain volumes compared to women who do not.

HRT can be a way to not only address the debilitating symptoms of perimenopause, but also reduce the risks of dementia

If you’re nearing menopause, ask your doctor about HRT medications, and start a plan to begin the process during perimenopause.

Women no longer need to continue suffering in silence.

Founded by Dr. Kavita Desai, Revivele is a women’s health company with a primary focus on brain and hormonal health. In the late spring 2023 Reviele will be launching a monthly supplement system for peri-menopausal women. The subscription-based system is dosed based on evidence for disease prevention and symptom relief for women, with 40 ingredients blended into an easy-to-follow format. Some of the supplements include functional mushrooms, probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin C, B complex, omega 3, turmeric, magnesium glycinate and ashwagandha. To be notified once our products launch, please join our newsletter or email info@revivele.com.

5 Healthy Habits for the New Year

5 Healthy Habits for the New Year

After several weeks of festivities, late nights, and too many overindulgences, many of us feel fatigued, bloated and a little blue after the holidays. So in the upcoming post-holiday weeks, rather than sinking into a spiral of crash diets and negative self-talk, embrace the New Year as the perfect time to prioritize self-care, exercise, and lifestyle changes with newly adopted health-enhancing habits.

By putting ourselves first and prioritizing our mental and physical well-being, it allows us to thrive in our careers and relationships and show up for ourselves healthily and mindfully. So, this January, let’s empower and educate ourselves by learning to listen and learn from our bodies.

In this blog, we will summarize five ways you can put your health (and yourself) first this year:

1. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake

Drinking less alcohol is beneficial on many levels and by reducing your intake, you will notice many key differences in your body composition and overall mood. . You may notice that the day after indulging in a few alcoholic drinks, you have a headache and are quite thirsty. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning that your renal system loses fluid at a higher rate than other liquids, causing dehydration. With prolonged dehydration, your skin loses its elasticity, leading to sagging, dryness, and wrinkles. Drinking is also calorie-dense and can result in poor food choices and weight gain. That is only part of what happens on the outside.

On the inside, alcohol is detrimental to our brain and hormonal health. If you have been considering reducing your alcohol intake and need more information and motivation to make it happen, you have come to the right place. Some other negative side effects of alcohol include:

  • Interfering with the production of our happy hormone, serotonin, and acts as a depressant
  • Monopolizing liver function by stopping the filtering and detoxifying of other food and toxins to focus on the processing of only alcohol
  • Disrupting sleep
  • Changing the composition and function of the gut microbiome
  • Causing inflammation and chronic disease
  • Impeding brain function in the areas of controlling balance, memory, speech and judgment
  • Reducing brain volume, neuron function, and white matter fiber integrity

Optimal liver function is essential for overall health and well-being. The liver is one of the body’s primary detoxification organs, along with the intestines, kidneys, lungs, and skin. It regulates blood sugar levels to help steady energy levels, clears the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances, and fights off infection by producing immune factors and removing bacteria. When the liver is busy processing alcohol, it impedes its ability to perform other vital functions. To lighten the load on your liver, reduce or eliminate your alcohol intake.

Knowing the impacts of alcohol on your body enables you to make informed decisions. It may also provide some answers if you have been feeling anxious or depressed after drinking alcohol, experiencing sleep disruptions, or lacking energy.

2. Increase activity level

Physical exercise has many long-term health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, clearing the mind, increasing energy levels, and improving cardiovascular function. As little as 20 minutes of moderate exercise stimulates the immune system and reduces inflammation.

Keep in mind that intense exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight response) and decreases the parasympathetic nervous system response (the rest and digest response), temporarily increasing stress levels in the body. If you feel drained, fatigued, or stressed, your body is already taxed and intense exercise may only add to that. During perimenopause, when estrogen and progesterone are low many women benefit from shifting to gentle exercise, such as yoga, weight training and daily walks.

Osteoporosis occurs when bones become extremely weak, lose mass (or thickness), and break very easily. Aging, declining estrogen levels during perimenopause, and lack of weight-bearing exercise can slow the formation of new bone tissue. Research shows women can lose as much as 20% of their bone mass after menopause, and one in ten women is affected by osteoporosis worldwide. It is so important to incorporate regular weight-bearing exercises like weight training, tai chi, walking, dancing, and yoga into your routine.

3. Drink more water

Adequate water consumption is a necessary part of being in good health. Water makes up about 60% of the human body and approximately 73% of the brain. It is essential for many bodily processes, including digestion, absorption and circulation of nutrients, removal of toxins, and remaining alert and focused.. A well-hydrated brain functions better, with more clarity, creativity, memory, and attention, while reducing irritability and headaches. Sipping cool water can help with hot flashes, and proper hydration can improve sleep naturally

By the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated so drink water throughout the day, consuming 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily.

4. Eliminate inflammatory foods

Inflammation has a highly detrimental effect on the body by damaging arteries, organs and joints. Chronic or persistent long-term inflammation leads to diseases and conditions such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, dementia, and mental illness. The good news is that you can dramatically reduce inflammation by eating the right foods.

Foods to avoid include:

  • Refined carbohydrates in prepared or processed foods, such as bread, rice, baked goods, and breakfast cereals. A helpful indicator of foods high in refined carbohydrates is to see where the food item falls on the glycemic index (GI). A high GI-rated food will likely contain refined carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels.
  • Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the two main types of added sugar in Western diets. When eaten in large amounts, fructose is associated with multiple diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Foods with a lot of added sugar include chocolate, candy, cakes, cookies, and soft drinks.
  • Processed meats contain advanced glycation end products (AGEs), nitrates, and proteins and fats exposed to sugar. AGEs cause inflammation and contribute to diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Avoid foods such as bacon, sausage, ham, and processed meats.
  • Seed and other refined oils are highly inflammatory. Try to swap out unhealthy oils such as canola, vegetable, safflower, and sunflower oil with a good quality olive or avocado oil.
  • Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and Acesulfame-K, potentially have a high cancer risk and can disrupt the gut microbiome. Replace them with small amounts of stevia or a natural sweetener such as raw honey.

To reduce inflammation:

  • Focus on consuming whole foods – organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed beef raised without antibiotics and hormones, free-range chicken and eggs, and sustainably sourced, low-mercury fish. Add foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, flaxseed, chia and walnuts, and probiotic foods like kimchi.
  • Avoid environmental toxins like pesticides, asbestos, phthalates, and BPA.
  • Remove stress from your life as much as you can.
  • Get an adequate amount of high-quality sleep every night.

5. Incorporate supplementation

It would take mass quantities of food to consume therapeutic levels of all the nutrients we require and this is where supplements come in. However, understanding which supplements to take and how and when to take them can be confusing and overwhelming. At Revivele, we’ve been working behind the scenes to curate a supplement system for perimenopausal women that will offer both immediate and long-term benefits for brain and body health. We are excited to share this with you in the spring of 2023. In the meantime, a few important supplements to consider this new year are:

Omega 3

You can get omega-3 fatty acids from food or supplements. The three main types are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is found in plant sources such as flaxseed, chia seed, walnuts and hemp seeds, whereas DHA and EPA are found in fatty fish and other seafood. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, aid in blood pressure reduction and triglyceride regulation, and can reduce the chance of a stroke. EPA and DHA are also known to help preserve brain function and memory.


Turmeric is a spice that comes from a root in the ginger family, and its main active ingredient, curcumin, has many brain health benefits. Curcumin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that has been linked to an improvement in memory in individuals with Alzheimer’s.To experience the brain-boosting benefits of curcumin, take it in supplement form or add it regularly to your food. Turmeric is not well absorbed in the body, so adding black pepper to turmeric-flavored dishes may help increase its absorption.

Vitamin D

You will likely be low in vitamin D during winter if you live in the northern hemisphere. A blood test by your family doctor or a private laboratory can confirm vitamin D levels, so you know how deficient you are in vitamin D and how much to supplement. Having your vitamin D levels checked is something we recommend if you have never done so. Vitamin D assists with calcium absorption and supports immune health and brain function. See our latest blog on vitamin D to learn more about its wonderful benefits.


Probiotics are live bacteria that keep your gut healthy by maintaining a healthy balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria. They come in supplement form and are also in certain fermented foods, like sauerkraut, yogurt, tempeh, kimchi, and kefir. If you have recently taken a round of antibiotics for an illness, they have likely treated your infection, but also disrupted the beneficial bacteria in your intestine.. For this reason, after taking antibiotics, it is essential to replenish your system by taking a probiotic supplement. You can take the probiotic after your round of medication or take it three to four hours apart while on antibiotics.

Vitamin B12

If you’ve been feeling tired and weak, you may be deficient in vitamin B12, a nutrient that is crucial to the function of the brain and nervous system. A deficiency of B12 leaves us at a greater risk for developing dementia and heart disease. A daily B12 supplement is especially important for vegans and vegetarians since it is predominantly only found in meat, dairy products, fish, and fortified cereals.

By incorporating these healthy lifestyle habits you are also well on your way to reducing overall inflammation levels. If you are still trying to figure out where to start, look at the five healthy habits above and ask yourself which one you would be most eager to adopt for the month ahead. Start slowly and with intention. A habit takes time, and today is an excellent day to get started!

What Are the Stages of Menopause?

What Are the Stages of Menopause?

Even though menopause is a natural, biological process, it is still something that makes many women uneasy – and it is definitely not talked about enough! Given the fact that your body goes through significant changes during this time, it is incredibly important to understand what happens when you go through menopause.
In this blog, we are going to unpack exactly what happens during the four stages of menopause so that you can better navigate this transition!

What Is Menopause?

Menopause is defined as the one year anniversary of menstrual cessation, or the end of your menstrual period. Oftentimes, the term menopause is used to describe the entire phase of the menopausal transition years, but in actuality you are only “in” menopause for that one day when it has been a complete year without menstrual bleeding.
What Age Does Menopause Start?
Typically, menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but some women experience menopause earlier in their 40s or later in their 50s. The entire menopause process lasts about seven years on average. However, it can be as long as 14 years.

What Are the Four Stages of Menopause?

There are four stages of menopause, each of which have their own symptoms, hormone levels, and age range/duration. The four stages are:

1) Premenopause Stage
2) Perimenopause Stage
3) Menopause Stage
4) Postmenopause Stage
Here’s a deep dive into what you can expect during each of these four stages:

Premenopause Stage

As its name suggests, the premenopause stage occurs before the menopausal transition takes place. During this time, a woman has her regular menstrual cycle and has no noticeable symptoms of menopause.
Most women will be in this stage of menopause up until their 40s.

Perimenopause Stage

Perimenopause is the time during which your body makes the transition to menopause. Your body starts producing less testosterone and progesterone, and estrogen levels rise and fall unpredictably, which can cause an irregular menstrual cycle.
Perimenopause usually begins eight to 10 years before menopause takes place. For many women, perimenopause starts during their 40s, However, some women start to notice changes as early as their mid-30s.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Uterine bleeding issues
  • Vaginal dryness and sexual dysfunction
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Changes in mood, and increased anxiety/depression

Menopause Stage

As mentioned previously, menopause occurs when you have gone without a period for 12 consecutive months. As such, women “experience” menopause only on that one day in their life.
Menopause usually occurs for most women sometime between their mid-40s and mid-50s, but this varies from person to person. The average age of menopause for a woman in the United States is 51 years old.
The symptoms of menopause are virtually the same as the symptoms of perimenopause, and the drop in estrogen levels is the cause of most of these symptoms. Your body also produces very little testosterone by the time you experience menopause. A lot of perimenopausal symptoms will oftentimes diminish or disappear after menopause has occurred and the body adjusts to the absence of female hormones.

Postmenopause Stage

Postmenopause takes place after you have surpassed a full year without a menstrual cycle and menopause has occurred. This stage lasts for the rest of your life.
During this time, many of the symptoms that are associated with perimenopause and menopause gradually decrease. However, due to lower levels of hormones like estrogen, postmenopausal women are at an increased risk for various health conditions, including:
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Vaginal atrophy
There you have it – a look into what you can expect during the four stages of menopause. To make this transitional time as smooth as possible, it is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, exercising regularly, managing stress, and eating more healthy, whole foods as opposed to sugar and refined carbs. You may also want to consider seeing a health professional who specializes in women’s health and deals with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.
To learn more about women’s health matters, be sure to follow Revivele on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn!

5 Health Benefits of Antioxidants

5 Health Benefits of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are frequently praised in the health space for the many benefits they provide, but not many people know what they actually are, much less what they do. Lucky for you, we’re going to be unpacking everything you need to know about antioxidants in this blog!

Read on to learn more about all the ways antioxidants can benefit you.

What Are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances that protect your body by fighting free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules that are important for many bodily processes, like cell division. However, they can cause harm if they build up in your body.

There are many different types of antioxidants. Some are produced in the body while others are found in foods and/or supplements.

What Foods Have Antioxidants?

Plant-based, colorful foods, like fruits and vegetables, are the best sources of antioxidants. Catechins, flavonoids, flavones, polyphenols, and phytoestrogens are all types of antioxidants that can be found in plant-based foods.

Foods that are high in antioxidants include:

  • Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and goji berries)
  • Artichokes
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Beets
  • Red Cabbage

You can also get antioxidants by taking supplements like:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta-carotene
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
Health Benefits of Antioxidants

Now that you know what antioxidants are and where they come from, it is time to get into the many health benefits they provide! Here are five health benefits of antioxidants.

1. Fight Free Radicals

As mentioned earlier, antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body, which are also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Free radicals are waste substances that your cells produce as your body reacts to the environment and processes food. Too many free radicals can ultimately contribute to the development of various diseases.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and help boost your overall health.

2. Reduce Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is the phenomenon that takes place when there is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body. This imbalance can harm cells and lead to conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, and dementia.

Because antioxidants neutralize free radicals, they also, in turn, help reduce oxidative stress.

3. Boost Brain Health

Oxidative stress is associated with a loss of neurons, which can ultimately lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Research suggests that antioxidants may help protect against neurodegeneration.

One study published in the journal Neurology looked at the relationship between antioxidant levels and rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. The conclusion of the study was that antioxidants might protect the brain from damage that is associated with dementia.

4. Improve Mental Well-Being

Not only can oxidative stress affect your brain health – it can also impact your mental health. Depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder are all mental conditions that are associated with oxidative stress.

Studies have shown that enhancing your diet with antioxidant-rich foods may help ease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

5. Help With Healthy Aging

Last but certainly not least, antioxidants can promote healthy aging. As mentioned earlier, antioxidants help prevent diseases like dementia, diabetes, and heart disease, which are spurred on by oxidative stress.

In addition to disease prevention, antioxidants also protect your cells from free radical damage that leads to aging, making them good for your overall health as you age.

By incorporating lots of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet and regularly taking the right supplements, you can make sure you are getting enough antioxidants and, in turn, improving your long-term health.

At Revivele, we strongly believe that you should be everything you can do to ensure you are as healthy as possible as you age. We are currently developing a supplement product that contains many antioxidant-rich ingredients and has been specifically designed to optimize women’s health. To find out when our product is released and learn more about health-related matters, follow Revivele on Instagram, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn today!

Why Take Supplements? 5 Reasons Why It’s Essential

Why Take Supplements? 5 Reasons Why It’s Essential

Is taking a supplement necessary?

What supplements should I take?

How do you know if you’re buying a good supplement brand?

Every day millions of people head to Google to learn more about supplements, the benefits of taking them and which ones to shop for.

Deciding whether to take a daily supplement is an important decision, and no two supplements are the same.

The right supplements can enhance your health in a number of different ways, beyond just ensuring your body gets the proper vitamins, nutrients and minerals it needs.

Below we’ve outlined five health reasons why you should consider incorporating supplements into your daily routine.

Plus, we’ve included a quick checklist to help you shop for the best supplements.

1. Disease Prevention

A shocking six in ten Americans live with one or more chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer.

Yet, a large majority of chronic diseases can be prevented through healthy choices like eating well, being physically active and getting routine health screenings on time.

So where do supplements come in?

Supplements can fill in nutrient gaps and provide the support our bodies need to stay healthy. It’s incredibly difficult to eat enough to get all of the nutrients we need to prevent disease.

Supplements enhance the benefits of eating a well-rounded diet and provide the essential building blocks to help your body develop and function as it should. Plus, with the increased exposure to toxins and chemicals in today’s society (environmental, plastics, contaminants in water, processed foods), diet is often not enough to reduce the inflammation in our bodies.

From heart disease to dementia, supplements can prevent the deficiencies that are linked to common chronic diseases.

For example, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a number of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, autoimmune diseases, cancer, osteoporosis and more. On the flip side, getting enough Vitamin D will ensure that you are regulating critical cellular functions, absorbing calcium and providing your body with the antioxidants and neuroprotective properties that help support immune health and brain functions.

Vitamin D deficiency is just one example, but the key takeaway here is to take seriously the connection between preventing chronic diseases with strengthening your overall health and wellbeing.

Remember, it really is true what they say, prevention is the best medicine.

2. Supporting Longevity

Here at Revivele we believe in not just living long, but living optimally! This means that as we age it’s even more important to support our quality of life and look beyond making it to a certain number.

Ageing really is more than just a number. It’s the combination of physical, social, psychological and emotional changes that happen due to molecular and cellular damage over time. For some of us, this damage and failure in our biological systems happens earlier, and for others we enjoy healthy ageing allowing us to enjoy new opportunities like a never before tried passion or travel.

To maintain your quality of life as you age, it’s important to understand the different factors that impact disease and health as you age. Specific lifestyle choices and supplements can help support your quality of life and extend life expectancy.

When your body has the energy, vitamins and nutrients it needs, it doesn’t have to choose between maintaining your short-term health or long-term health – it can do both!

Specific supplements like tremella and omega-3 can help prevent and even reverse changes linked to ageing. Tremella has high levels of polysaccharides and antioxidants – two powerful anti-aging compounds. Omega-3 helps to reduce oxidative stress and lowers inflammation – two key ways to slow down biological processes linked to ageing.

3. Hormone Regulation

Often little understood, hormones are essential to your physical and mental health and overall wellbeing.

Produced by your endocrine system, hormones are chemical messengers for your body. They play a vital role in regulating hundreds of bodily processes including metabolism, blood pressure, mood, sleep cycles, and sexual characteristics.

Research shows that approximately 80% of women aged 30-60 suffer from a hormone imbalance. During menopause this figure is closer to 100%.

For both men and women, hormone imbalances can be a result of stress, ageing, unhealthy diet, toxins, medications, underlying health conditions and more.

The good news is that in addition to living a healthy lifestyle, there are multiple supplements that help balance hormones.

For example:

  • A significant link has been found between vitamin B12 deficiency and disorders associated with hormonal imbalance
  • Vitamin B6 helps to balance oestrogen and progesterone
  • Ashwagandha helps to manage cortisol and thyroid hormone levels, by helping the body cope with physical and emotional stressors
  • Vitamin C has been proven to help synthesize pituitary hormones, including follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH.)

These are just a few examples of key supplements, in addition to ways to balance your hormones naturally, to keep your hormones regulated. Click here to read how you can balance your own hormones naturally.

4. Improved Sleep

Only recently have we begun to understand how absolutely critical sleep is to our daily and long-term health and wellbeing.

Metabolism, emotional regulation, memory, immune system repair, mental health, hormone regulation, and ageing are just a few of the processes directly affected by sleep. Yet, 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems.

In addition to lifestyle changes, there are a number of supplements that can help you fall asleep at night.

Look for nighttime supplements which contain a combination of melatonin, magnesium, tryptophan and/or L-theanine.

5. Overall Health and Wellbeing

Too often we tend to view our health in black and white terms – either we’re healthy or we’re not. But, this doesn’t do justice to the multiple states and experiences that can determine our overall health and wellbeing.

It’s important that we don’t turn a blind eye to physical and mental states such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakened immune system
  • Brain Fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Low energy
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches
  • Stomach aches
  • Inflammation
  • Poor gut health, and more

Taking specific supplements on a daily basis can help to improve a number of overall health and wellbeing factors that directly affect how you function on a day-to-day basis.

For example, B-Complex vitamins play a role in supporting almost all systems in the body including managing stress, stimulating brain function, supporting energy levels, improving cognition, immune function and overall wellness.

Zinc is another vital power player that has tremendous value for your health and wellbeing. Zinc aids in the creation of DNA and cell growth. It helps the body to heal damaged tissue, and boosts the immune system.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another supercharged supplement that can deliver benefits such as: brain health, cardiovascular health, anti-inflammatory properties, blood pressure reduction, triglyceride regulation, reduced chance of stroke, and mood boosting properties.

Your Checklist to Choosing Supplements

If you’re considering supplements or looking to switch, it’s vital to find ones that work well and are safe. But, this can be easier said than done as the world of supplements can be overwhelming with endless choices.

We’ve created a quick-guide checklist for you to use when shopping for supplements.

  • Optimal dosing that targets long-term health benefits
  • Purity – less fillers which may allow for fewer capsules/tablets per dose
  • Glass bottles – avoid plastic leaching and protect the environment
  • Value – optimal dosing, with fewest capsules for the best price

It is always important to discuss with your healthcare practitioner the supplements you are taking so that your holistic and medical care can be integrated.

In Conclusion:

Beyond boosting nutrients, supplements can provide you with the critical support your body and brain needs to stay healthy. At Revivele, we’re currently in the process of developing a comprehensive supplement product for women that contains all of the vitamins, nutrients, and herbs suggested above!

Before you begin a daily supplement routine, it’s important to learn more about each one, how they work and what effect they can have on your health and wellbeing.

As with any supplement, give your body adequate time to adjust to taking them before expecting to see results.

If you are currently taking medications, or have any allergies, it is always wise to discuss contraindications of adding new supplements to your routine (as well as the correct dosage for you) with your local pharmacist, or healthcare professional.

How to Improve Your Gut Health

How to Improve Your Gut Health

In recent years, “gut health” has become a popular topic in the wellness space. But do you know what is meant by the term “gut health” – or what your gut is actually responsible for in your body?

Keep reading to learn more about why your gut is so important and how you can go about improving your gut microbiome and overall health!

What Is the Gut Microbiome?

The gut microbiome consists of all the microorganisms in your intestine. These microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and each person has hundreds of different species of them in their digestive tract.

The microorganisms in your gut can be both helpful and potentially harmful, which is why it is imperative to maintain good gut health – to boost the growth of good bacteria and crowd out the bad bacteria. Inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic heart diseases, and diabetes are just some of the conditions that are related to gut bacteria.

Research suggests that having more species of bacteria in your gut is extremely beneficial for your health.

What Is the Gut-Brain Connection?

If you have ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience or felt “butterflies in your stomach”, you have your second brain to thank for that! The second brain is a term used to describe the enteric nervous system (ENS), which is a mesh-like system of millions of nerve cells that controls the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The ENS can cause emotional shifts in individuals who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There is evidence that suggests irritation in the gastrointestinal system may send signals to the central nervous system, ultimately triggering mood changes.

In essence, your gut bacteria is related to your mental health, and it can influence your mood, thoughts, and brain. This is all the more reason why you should prioritize your gut health!

3 Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Now that you are aware of some of the ways your gut microbiome can affect your physical and mental health, let’s get into how you can improve your gut health!

1. Eat Probiotic and Prebiotic-Rich Foods

One of the best ways to improve your gut health is through your diet, and probiotic-rich foods are particularly beneficial for your gut.

Probiotics are fermented foods that contain live bacteria and yeasts that can aid digestion. They help maintain or improve the “good” bacteria in your gut.

Some examples of probiotic-rich foods include:

  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Tempeh

Prebiotic-rich foods, which are a form of dietary fiber that feed the good bacteria that probiotics provide, can also help improve gut health!

Some examples of prebiotic-rich foods include:

  • Bananas
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Oats
  • Asparagus
  • Chicory
2. Cut Down on Sugary Foods

The foods you choose not to eat also drastically impact your gut health. Consuming foods that are high in sugar can cause gut dysbiosis, or an imbalance of gut microbiota, so you should try to limit your intake of sugary foods.

A 2015 study on animals found that the standard sugar and fat-filled Western diet can alter the gut microbiome and ultimately influence the brain and behavior.

3. Take Dietary Supplements

You may want to consider taking dietary supplements in order to ensure good gut health. Some supplements that can support the gut and digestion include:

  • Probiotic supplements: Probiotics are the first line of defense in the gut, and some research suggests that they may help prevent gut inflammation and other intestinal issues.
  • Functional mushrooms: Tremella, miatake, and turkey tail mushrooms all promote gut health.
  • Turmeric: The primary bioactive substance in turmeric, curcumin, plays a powerful role against inflammation and can help improve gut health.

Other things that can contribute to good gut health include limiting your alcohol consumption, reducing stress, getting regular exercise, and sleeping 7-8 hours every night.

All in all, a healthy gut can greatly benefit your overall health and well-being. For more information about the things you can do to improve your health, be sure to follow Revivele on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. We are always happy to share our knowledge and help our growing community become the best versions of themselves!